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High School Sports Index

High School Sports Index

The High School Sports Index is the definitive tool for categorizing high school sports teams. Understanding the complexities of team divisions - be it by city, region, class level, or other subdivisions that can vary by state and undergo realignment every 2, 4, or 8 years - is no small feat. The High School Sports Index simplifies this task, offering a consolidated platform that ensures accuracy and provides a single source of truth for high school sports information. Whether you are a coach, athlete, or sports enthusiast, this tool streamlines the process of tracking and comparing teams across various divisions, making it an indispensable asset for high school sports management.

FilmStudy App

FilmStudy App

Revolutionize your game analysis with the Film Study App, a cutting-edge computer vision program tailored specifically for American football. This intelligent application automatically categorizes, annotates, and tracks game film, offering a detailed breakdown of stats and advanced analytics. Whether you are analyzing plays, personnel, defensive stances, or offensive strategies, the Film Study App provides insights based on various metrics. Dive deep into game footage, identify patterns, and strategize with unparalleled precision. Elevate your game understanding and preparation with this state-of-the-art tool.

Drill Vision

Drill Vision

Introducing Drill Vision, the future of sports training analytics. This innovative interface is designed for recording combine drills and position-specific exercises. With a camera placed in a predetermined position relative to the cones or equipment, each drill is captured in detail. What sets Drill Vision apart is its ability to evaluate the recorded drills against a players historical performance and provide insights based on visual data from the camera. Analyze stride length, launch angles, and other critical metrics to track improvement and optimize performance. With Drill Vision, athletes can gain a deeper understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement.

AI-ssistant Coach

AI-ssistant Coach

Meet your new AI-ssistant coach, a data driven football strategist for general questions and football related assistance. Equipped with "conventional football wisdom", CoachGPT is an advanced chatbot with knowledge confined to players, coaches, football concepts, play types, strategies and counter strategies and more. Ever wondered what play to run when you have a speed advantage? Or which strategy works best against a particular defense? AI-ssistant Coach provides insights based on traditional football knowledge, guiding you on play selections, strategies, and tactics tailored to your teams strengths. With AI-ssistant Coach, get ready to make informed decisions and elevate your preparation, practice, and game strategy.